So I finally started a youtube channel that is separate from my personal/ general channel. I had been feeling led by God to do a youtube channel for years. But I just didn’t know what God was leading me to share. But I can honestly say that He has clearly spoken to me about music ministry over and over and over again. So I’m just going to step out in that direction and see what happens.
This is the first recording I uploaded to this channel which I simply called EmilyDAriaMusic . This is just part of my daily/ nightly times of worship with God. I started doing this daily several years back because of a dream I had where God challenged me.
Right before I woke up I dreamt I opened the bible and there was a verse highlighted, it said, “If you truly repented you would sing everyday.”
I thought, “Hmmm, that’s not a real verse in the bible.” But I believe that God wanted me to take it as a Word from Him. This was a special instruction He was giving to me to do, even though it’s not really something you’ll find in the bible. So since then I have never forgotten that. But I must confess, I don’t always play my guitar and sing everyday. But very close. Ok, kind of close…a bit.
A year or so later I felt God telling me to record every time I sang. I thought, “What?! Not even close to everything I sing or come up with is worth recording and sharing. Some of it is downright embarrassing.” But man, I’m getting convicted even typing this. I have NOT been faithful to do as He has directed.
God, I want you to know that I’m so sorry I despised the day of small things. Forgive me. Thank You that You are so patient with me. I just have a hard time believing in Your Goodness sometimes and that You are even speaking to me, and that I’m even valuable to You at all. Help me God, give me courage.
Remember, He uses the weak things to shame the strong. He uses the foolish things to shame the wise.
I want to give a shout out to my brother Jeno in Cali! Thank you Jeno for being the 1st person to buy a digital download of one of my songs. It means alot. Bless you.
Jeno also requested that I list this song, “I Accept” on here. So here’s the youtube video and below that is the download link if you would like to support me and buy the mp3:
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