Psalm 52 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Jesus, No Other Name (Old Country Rav Vast & Beats Sessions)
Spontaneous: The Comfort of My Righteous Man 12-3-24 The Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Spontaneous: How Do I Do The Works Of God Rav Vast Sessions 11-14-24
“Spontaneous: All The Way” 11-18-24
This song is about how Jesus didn’t leave anything undone for me. He saved me to the uttermost and went above and beyond to pay my debts and take my sins in His body that was so very broken for me. This month I can’t get over how done and finished and completed His work is. Now I still have to walk on this earth, but He did it all and He paid it all. I just say, “Yes, and Amen!” And my work is to believe on the One The Father sent. ... continue reading...
Spontaneous: Thank You Jesus! Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Let It Break, Breakthrogh 10-17-23
Psalm 51 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 11-8-24
An Appeal To Heaven, SOS, Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 11-6-24
Psalm 50 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 11-4-24
This song really spoke to me. I had ask God if there was anything getting in between me hearing His voice last night. Because I was musing about how A.I. could walk you through complex projects but that God could actually counsel you better since He has a knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond the physical world. He could tell you if and when you should do something based on what He sees in the Spirit. A.I. could never do that. Then I thought- why isn’t He speaking to me about certain things? Or ... continue reading...
Spontaneous: A Voice Behind Me, No Other Name Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 10-29-24
I tried to make this song into a lyric video, but it took so long that I haven’t finished it yet. ... continue reading...
Spontaneous: Holy, Holy, Holy, No Other God Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 10-21-24
10-24-24 Spontaneous: All The Glory, Saved From The Depths Rav Vast & Beats Sessons
Spontaneous: No Other Name 10-17-24
So, I wasn’t sure I wanted to post this up on my Facebook page. But I need to stop censoring myself constantly. There is a lot of praying in tongues in this song. But I had just had a miscarriage a day or so before I recorded this and I needed to just …I don’t know- hide in His love and get some comfort. I just wanted to hear something from Him. When I’m really low- I pray in tongues. You’ll notice it sounds like I’m praying in another language- because I am. I don’t do this to be heard by God ... continue reading...
Psalm 49 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 10-16-24
The Days of Our Lives
As I asked God what He would have me to share I thought for a couple days of any reoccurring themes that I had been seeing or hearing. And one thing in particular occurred to me first. Now, this is going to sound maybe a little strange. Haha, I feel like I’m constantly prefacing what I’m about to say with a warning.But lately I’ve been hearing this dramatic intro music to a famous soap opera. And then the deep man’s voice says, “…These Are The Days of Our Lives.”Have you ever watched this ... continue reading...
Psalm 47 The Rav Vast & beats Sessions 10–7-24
Spontaneous Worship & Prayer 10-2-24: The Rav Vast Sessions
Psalm 46 KJV Rav Vast Sessions 9-28-24
Psalm 44 KJV The Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Spontaneous Worship & Thanksgiving 9-9-24
Psalm 43 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 42 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 5 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 40 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Who Is This God? Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 39 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 38 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 37 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 36 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 7-25-24
Psalm 35 Rav Vast & Beat Sessions 7-23-24
You Are Good, Help Is On The Way 7-23-24
Psalm 34 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions
Psalm 103 by LowfiPsalmist 7-8-24
Psalm 39 by LowfiPsalmist
Psalm 32 Rav Vast & Beats Sessions 7-8-24
You Never Never Never Leave (Spontaneous Worship)
Psalm 90 The (unpublishable) Remix Sessions
I recorded this psalm maybe a month ago but was not allowed to upload it to YouTube, Rumble, or publish it using Distrokid. They said I used music that wasn’t mine. But I think their algorithms were detecting some backing mixes that another artist had used and already published. We must have been using the same loops or something. But I had used Remix Live to create backing tracks- and mine must have been similar to someone else’s published music. But the thing is- I really like this song and ... continue reading...
Psalm 31 Rav Vast Electronic Sessions
Help Is On The Way (Rav Vast) 5-18-24
So I’ve been trying to create music on the Rav Vast tongue drum, but I just haven’t liked it . I was getting bored with it, and just wasn’t having fun with it anymore. But I still felt this pull to make myself do it anyways- I need to learn this drum, I’ve always wanted one of these, and I’ve just been in a creative funk in all areas. So I didn’t want to give it up. I had been praying about it and really talking to God about it all. And I finally felt like He was encouraging me to stick with it ... continue reading...
A Song for Mark 5-6-24
Psalm 121 The Remix Sessions 4-20-24
Psalm 28 The Rav Vast Sessions
Psalm 23 Rav Vast and Piano
High 3-26-24
Psalm 131 Rav Vast 3-25-24
Psalm 140 on Piano
Psalm 139 Rav Vast Sessions 1-25-24
I’m trying to really meditate on Psalm 139 this year. It holds healing power for me. ... continue reading...
Spontaneous Worship & Praise : The Tongue Drum Sessions. 1-23-24
I Love You, You Loved Me First. 1-21-24
Psalm 121 Tongue Drum Sessions 1-21-24
I Forgive and I Forget & Psalm 103. 12-16-23
Psalm 7 Rav Vast Sessions 1-18-24
Spontaneous Worship: A Prayer & Romans 10: 8-15
Psalm 2 Rav Vast Drum 1-11-24
Psalm 119 on Rav Vast Drum & Piano
So this Psalm has 176 verses. It’s a doosie, haha. It is 41.07 minutes long. It’s like listening to a sermon. But if you think about it, it’s a sermon God wrote to music and has a point for each letter of the Hebrew Alephbet. Which I am inspired to learn more of. ... continue reading...
Taking Communion & Psalm 91 12-24-23
Psalm 6 on the Rav Vast
Psalm 91 Spoken & Sung on Piano
Psalm 3 on piano
Psalm 9 on piano 12-4-23
Psalm 8 on piano 12-1-23
Psalm 7 on piano
Bless The Lord -Psalm 103 10-23-23
I’m Right Here 10-14-23
Psalm 121 on piano 10-10 -23 & 10-11-23
A New Spontaneous Song For The Good God. 10-6-23
Spontaneous Worship, Psalm 23, Glory & Peace
Psalm 121 & Healing Declaration 9-23-23
Psalm 5 Rav Vast 9-19-23
Psalm 4 Rav Vast. 9-13-23
Psalm 139 -Spoken & with a beat
This is a recording and mix I did back in February of 2023. I personally LOVE it. But didn’t publish it until now because I wasn’t sure if I would get flagged by YouTube for using music that wasn’t licensed to me. So this is a test to see what happens. This music is all ok for my use, but sometimes it can get flagged as belonging to someone else if they have already used it in something. I got these samples from Remix Live and paid for them. But you never know what will happen until you try it. ... continue reading...
Psalms 3 Rav Vast 9-11-23
Spontaneous Worship 9-5-23
Faithful. Rav Vast. 8-29-23
Only One Name To Call Upon, 8-28-23
Always Need You. Spontaneous 8-27-23
Amazing Grace Remix Spontaneous 8-21-23
Your Burden Is Light
Spontaneous Worship & Psalm 23. 8-16-23
Spontaneous Worship 8-8-23. Psalm 2:7
Psalm 1 Rav Vast Sessions 8-3-23
I Will Follow 7-29-23
Psalm 121: Spoken & Spontaneous Worship 7-26-23
When God Became More Real Than Me
Tonight as I was putting my children to bed I was praying the same prayer we pray almost every night together, The Lord’s Prayer directly followed by The Prayer of Jabez. These 2 biblical prayers never get old for me, they are so powerful. I love them so much, and I’m trying to help my children hide these scriptures in their hearts. The Lord’s Prayer:As I finished praying , a memory flashed through my mind like a streak of light in the dark. So I figured God would like me to tell them the story ... continue reading...
I Wanna Follow You 7-20-23
Armor of God: Spontaneous Worship 7-17-23
Psalm 121 Rav Vast 7-13-23
Protected: Father’s Day
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Psalm 121 6-13-23
I Was Going To Hell (Steel tongue drum) 5-24-23
Spontaneous Worship Rav Vast Drum – “Lo I Am With You” 4-20-23
All I Need Is You (Names of God) 4-18-23
Spontaneous Worship: The Lord’s Prayer, Prayer of Jabez, Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 127: Rav Vast Sessions
Called To Peace
A Simple Song
Once Upon A Star
Lord of Hosts & 1 Thessalonians 5: 8-28 Rav Vast Drum Sessions
Spontaneous Worship & Prayer : 11-10-22 Ps. 17, 27, 103, Rav Vast Drum Sessions
Psalm 17: 11-9-22 Rav Vast Drum Sessions
Rav Vast Spontaneous Worship: Psalm 24. 11-8-22
You Are All I Need God: Spontaneous worship & Word. 11-5-22
My Refuge, I Can Rest. spontaneous worship 11-4-22
Spontaneous Worship & Psalm 103: Rav Vast Sessions
Song of Songs 1
Isaiah 61: Rav Vast Drum Sessions
Psalm 27 Rav Vast Tongue Drum and a touch of laryngitis
Psalm 118
Psalm 115
Psalm 114
Psalm 109
Psalm 108
Psalms 106
He Took My Place, I Took His Place
Psalm 117
Psalm 116
Psalm 113
Psalm 111
Spontaneous Worship 10-5-22
Like The Grass
Psalm 110
Spontaneous Worship Outdoors
I Need Your Help: Spontaneous Song
Exodus 14:14, A Song For My Sister Genee
I recorded this to help my sister Genee’ remember what God has spoken to her in the past. But I actually just sat down to worship and record and was reminded because it was one of the last scriptures I was looking at last night on my phone. Now that I think about it, I remember that I started singing this last night after I sent the scripture to my sister with a text. I may add more to this song. I have plans to. We’ll see I guess. ... continue reading...
Psalm 93
Psalm 92
Psalms 88
Psalms 87
Psalms 86
Psalm 85
Psalm 84
You Are. 9-12-22
Nothing Can Stop Me From Praising You 9-10-22
First Things First 9-10-22
I Can Come To You. 9-9-22
Psalm 82
My Song Will Never End. 9-7-2022
Increase My Days So I May Praise 9-6-22
I’ve been trying to remember to do real work. By this I mean acting on the things God has spoken to me about. For instance, God gave me my family and my husband and I want to be around as long as possible so I can fulfill my calling as a wife and mother and be voice pointing to Him. Praying for people, ministering to peoples needs…there are so many reasons why I want to be around. There’s a story about King Uzziah and how he was told by the prophet Isaiah to get his affairs in order because he ... continue reading...
Spirit & Bride Say Come
I Belong To You God.
Today as I struggled to make time to do the real work of laboring to enter into God’s Rest: A.K.A. :praising and worshiping God and just being with Him- I was singing this over and over. “I Belong To You God.” It brought me such peace to sing this truth. Maybe it’s because of the weight of things I juggle. I tend to feel like I do too much work, and not enough work at the same time. Which is ironic to me because just yesterday one of my children asked me what my name means. Emily means: ... continue reading...
The Psalms 1-30
Psalms 8
Psalm 5
Psalm 4
Psalm 3
Proverbs 24
Proverbs 31
Proverbs 30
Proverbs 29
Proverbs 28
Proverbs 27
Proverbs 26
Proverbs 25
Proverbs 23
Proverbs 22
Proverbs 21
Proverbs 20
Proverbs 19
Psalm 147 (The Passion Translation)
Psalm 107 (The Passion Translation)
Psalm 103 (The Passion Translation)
Proverbs 18
Psalm 91 (The Passion Translation)
Proverbs 17
Psalm 41 (The Passion Translation)
Proverbs 16
Psalm 30 (The Passion Translation)
Psalm 23 The Passion Translation
Psalm 6 (The Passion Translation)
Proverbs 13
Psalm 107
Psalms of Healing Collection
Psalm 6
Proverbs 11
Proverbs 8
Proverbs 14
Proverbs 15
Proverbs 12
Proverbs 10
Proverbs 9
Proverbs 7
Peace, Peace, Peace Upon Your Home
Proverbs 6
Proverbs 5
Proverbs 4
Proverbs 3
Proverbs 2
Proverbs 1
Psalm 150
Psalm 149 (8-30-21)
Psalm 148
Psalm 147
Psalm 146
Psalm 144
Psalm 143
Psalm 142
Psalm 141
All My Tears (Cover)
On our way home from church this past Sunday my I was searching through my husband and I’s old music that he had compiled on a new device he set up for when we were in the car. It had all this old music I hadn’t heard in years. As I was going through the music I came across an old favorite of mine and played it for everyone. It was “All My Tears” sung by Emmy Lou Harris. I flashed back to myself singing this song over and over again in my room as a young woman before I was married.I told my ... continue reading...
Psalm 140
Psalm 139
Psalm 138
Psalm 137
Psalm 136
A Song for Halee
It’s 4:34 am. right now and something’s been keeping me from sleeping. Something I left undone because …well there are so many good excuses I can come up with. But they don’t seem to help me sleep at night. So here’s what it comes down to. I recorded this song months ago for the daughter of a friend that is battling brain cancer. The song is just my prayers in the Spirit (in tongues) and in English. Maybe a translation of what my spirit is saying. As I was singing I prayed there would be angels ... continue reading...
A Prayer For The President. The Lord’s Prayer.
Psalm 135
Psalm 134
Psalm 133
Psalm 132
Psalm 131
Psalm 130
I had taken a short break from recording and I tell you what, there’s been a lot of spiritual warfare going on, so it’s no time to take breaks from such things. God inhabits the praises of His people, so lets lift our voices and pray at all times like the Word of God tells us to in Ephesians 6:11-18. ... continue reading...
Psalm 129 (June 2, 2021)
Psalm 128
Psalm 125
Psalm 126
Psalm 124 (May 18, 2021)
Psalm 123 (May 17th, 2021)
Psalm 122 (May 16, 2021)
Psalm 121 (May 14, 2021)
Psalm 120
A Prayer For Direction & An Answer
So tonight I was worshiping God with some spontaneous worship from the heart and I decided to ask God a question that was really on my heart. I asked Him what I was supposed to be doing with myself, my time, my family...etc. I wanted wisdom, I only have 1 life, and I don’t want to waste it. I immediately got a scripture that I turned to. But I turned to an unexpected scripture that was extremely pertinent to today and it led right in to the other scriptures I had been looking for. So I recorded ... continue reading...
I Belong to You 5-3-21
I just started singing this tonight. I was planning to sing through Psalm 50. But I had something else flowing out of my heart instead. ... continue reading...
Day 91 of 100 days of worship:Crown Him With Many Crowns
Day 90 Of 100 Days Of Worship: Crown Him Lord Of All
Day 89 of 100 Days of Worship: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Day 88 of 100 Days of Worship: “When I Survey The Wonderful Cross”
Day 83 of 100 Days of Worship: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Click here to stream or download it from your favorite service. ... continue reading...