This song really spoke to me. I had ask God if there was anything getting in between me hearing His voice last night. Because I was musing about how A.I. could walk you through complex projects but that God could actually counsel you better since He has a knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond the physical world. He could tell you if and when you should do something based on what He sees in the Spirit. A.I. could never do that. Then I thought- why isn’t He speaking to me about certain things? Or maybe I am not perceiving it? The scripture went through my head- “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.” My mom confirmed this scripture to me right away with a text. I was musing to her originally. So I asked God what was preventing me from hearing Him and left it there for Him to speak. The next morning I kept hearing someone knock on my bedroom door. Both times I got up to see who was there but saw no one. The 2nd time I stayed up and went into the recording room. A beat I had previously made was sitting waiting for me to use it with my Rav Vast Drum. Then I decided to record the next psalm and it happened to be Psalm 50. Ouch, it was…convicting. And this has been on my heart lately. If you want your nation healed- start with yourself and work outwards. If you think you have nothing to repent of, just ask God- He can direct you.
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