I've had this song stuck in my head for the last couple days. Justin and I both have been bursting into spontaneous chorus's of, "O Come Let Us Adore Him..." So finally I thought I better record that one. I stayed up pretty late getting several versions of this Christmas classic. I wasn't super keen on my guitar playing, but I think I'll upload it anyways. I'll have to make a separate ... continue reading...
The 1st Noel
I recorded this song in response to a request from the lovely Dawn! Thank you Dawn for the suggestion and the sweet encouragement, I so appreciate it. Bless you my friend. I have to admit, I do not feel like this is the greatest recording, but I'm encouraged to share it anyways because I know I'll do it again and I expect it to be much better each time. I actually put the lyrics up on the youtube video this time. The lyrics were so beautiful. I had a hard time finding this song at first in ... continue reading...
Silent Night …ok, so I’m doing this now.
I kicked off my 2018 attempt at a Christmas album by posting this version of Silent Night. For some reason it was NOT easy for me to get this simple video done. I had a lot of technical difficulties and other stuff just trying to get in the way. Finally though I was just like, I WILL PUT THIS SONG UP! I WILL FIGURE IT OUT! I got so resolute that I didn't care if it was even Christmas time when I got it up. Even if it took me a hundred years, I would do it. My mom came to my rescue by ... continue reading...
My 1st Post on My New Youtube Channel, “I Accept”
So I finally started a youtube channel that is separate from my personal/ general channel. I had been feeling led by God to do a youtube channel for years. But I just didn't know what God was leading me to share. But I can honestly say that He has clearly spoken to me about music ministry over and over and over again. So I'm just going to step out in that direction and see what happens. This is the first recording I uploaded to this channel which I simply called EmilyDAriaMusic . This is just ... continue reading...
My 2nd youtube upload A Spontaneous Song
Ok, so I do a lot of spontaneous songs... so I'm going to label and name them better in the future. With this song I started out singing Sing Alleluia and then it transformed into a spontaneous overflow. The video on my youtube channel is here and below that is the buy button if you would like to support me and buy this song in mp3 format. ... continue reading...