Today as I struggled to make time to do the real work of laboring to enter into God’s Rest: A.K.A. :praising and worshiping God and just being with Him- I was singing this over and over. “I Belong To You God.” It brought me such peace to sing this truth.
Maybe it’s because of the weight of things I juggle. I tend to feel like I do too much work, and not enough work at the same time. Which is ironic to me because just yesterday one of my children asked me what my name means. Emily means: “Hard-worker” or “one who competes”. It’s a theme for me, needless to say.
But I’ve been asking God lately- what is my “Real Work”? It felt good to lay it all down and remember Who I belong to. There’s only One that laid His life down and saved me from the pits of Hell. His name is Jesus.
I also asked God to tune my heart. As He tunes my heart I can get in step with Him.
When I pick up my guitar each time I intend to play it- I tune it. Sometimes it needs a lot of tuning- usually it just needs a tweak on some of the strings. Just like the guitar we are God’s instruments. I want to be in tune with God’s voice.
Speaking of names, when I was first starting to hear God’s voice I saw in the Word that He referred to His people as His Beloved. So I started to see myself as His Beloved. When I would pray I would refer to myself as that. Then I asked God if He had another name for me. I felt that He did. I wrote what I felt Him saying in my journal. I felt He told me that I was His Beloved Song.
When I got married about 2 years later my husband’s last name was D’Aria. Which means: “of Song”. It gives new meaning to : “Just Be Yourself.”
All this to say- I’m glad I sat down with God today. Even though I haven’t yet started on the other work I want to get done. I did some “Real Work”, and now I have that precious peace that I need.
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