Streamed Here ... continue reading...
The Lord’s Prayer Buy This! ... continue reading...
My 1st Blog Post-2 New Youtube Channels
I'm working on finishing putting in sign up forms into my websites. I've been needing to do this for so long. It's been taking me quite a while though know, life. And also, technology. I included my subscribe button below (at the bottom of this) if you'd like to get updates on what's going on. I decided to start a youtube channel for my music. You can find it here: Click here to visit Emily's youtube Channel My children have been uploading mini shows on our family's ... continue reading...
Psalm 91 a Live Recording January 29th 2019
Buy This! I recorded this song in the wee hours of January 29th while I waited on my Amazon edits to upload. It was taking an incredibly long time to upload an edited copy of my Psalm 91 coloring book to Amazon so I decided to try out the new sound booth my husband made for me about a week ago. So here is the new video I put up. ... continue reading...
Psalm 103 sung by Emily D’Aria
This is my rendition of God's beautiful and powerful Psalm 103. I believe this is a powerful scripture. Check it out. Buy This! ... continue reading...